Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Having troubles with AMAZONAS or CORAL Magazine? Our most commonly-encountered questions often have simple, easy answers. If you get stuck or don’t find your problem addressed here, please don’t hesitate to contact our Email HOTLINE:, or CALL and leave us a voice message, Toll-Free: 800-217-3523. Calls are normally returned between 10 AM – 6 PM Central Time, Monday-Friday.
FAQ: Subscriptions
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If I subscribe to AMAZONAS today, which issue will I start with?
In summary, to start an AMAZONAS subscription with:
- issue #1 (Jan/Feb) order by the end of October
- issue #2 (Mar/Apr) order by the end of December
- issue #3 (May/Jun) order by the end of February
- issue #4 (Jul/Aug) order by the end of April
- issue #5 (Sep/Oct) order by the end of June
- issue #6 (Nov/Dec) order by the end of August
AMAZONAS is published bi-monthly in November, January, March, May, July, and September.
For example, the first issue of a volume (e.g January/February 2020) is published and mails in late November to early December (of 2019) and arrives at most subscribers throughout the month of December (again, December 2019 for the Jan/Feb 2020 issue). US-based subscriptions arrive sooner than Canadian and International subscriptions.
The exact dates we generate each issues’ mailing lists change from year to year, so to be on the safe side, our dates here may allow for a week or two of leeway. So, for example, to start with the first issue of a year, you should subscribe or renew by the end of October (although the actual cutoff date may be at a later date in early November). If you are ever unsure, please contact customer service to learn which issue new subscriptions are currently starting with.
A new subscription or lapsed-subscription renewal which misses the particular cutoff date will start with the next issue in line; unfortunately we are unable to start a subscription with an issue that you may have missed. You can purchase missed issues through the AMAZONAS Magazine Back Issue Shop.
All subscriptions include access to the AMAZONAS Digital Edition (log in required). New digital issues are activated roughly 2-3 weeks after print subscribers in the United States start receiving their copies.
If I subscribe to CORAL today, which issue will I start with?
In summary, to start an CORAL subscription with:
- issue #1 (Jan/Feb) order by the end of November
- issue #2 (Mar/Apr) order by the end of January
- issue #3 (May/Jun) order by the end of March
- issue #4 (Jul/Aug) order by the end of May
- issue #5 (Sep/Oct) order by the end of July
- issue #6 (Nov/Dec) order by the end of September
CORAL is published bi-monthly in December, February, April, June, August, and October.
For example, the first issue of a volume (e.g January/February 2020) is published and mails in late December to early January (e.g. of 2019/2o20) and arrives at most subscribers throughout the month of January (for the Jan/Feb 2020 issue). US-based subscriptions arrive sooner than Canadian and International subscriptions.
The exact dates we generate each issues’ mailing lists change from year to year, so to be on the safe side, our dates here may allow for a week or two of leeway. So, for example, to start with the first issue of a year, you should subscribe or renew by the end of November (although the actual cutoff date may be at a later date in early December). If you are ever unsure, please contact customer service to learn which issue new subscriptions are currently starting with.
A new subscription or lapsed-subscription renewal that misses the particular cutoff date will start with the next issue in line; unfortunately we are unable to start a subscription with an issue that you may have missed. You can purchase missed issues through the CORAL Magazine Back Issue Shop.
All subscriptions include access to the CORAL Digital Edition (log in required). New digital issues are activated roughly 2-3 weeks after print subscribers in the United States start receiving their copies.
I just subscribed to AMAZONAS, when will I receive my first issue?
Thank you for subscribing! AMAZONAS is published bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September, and November. You may begin accessing the digital edition immediately with this link, simply use your email address and password created during checkout.
Please allow up to 10 weeks for your first print issue to arrive (possibly longer for international shipping).
For an approximate look at the yearly schedule:
- issue #1 (Jan/Feb) starts subscription orders received in mid-September through October, mails late November/early December
- issue #2 (Mar/Apr) starts subscription orders in mid-November through December, mails late January/early February
- issue #3 (May/Jun) starts subscription orders in mid-January through February, mails late March/early April
- issue #4 (Jul/Aug) starts subscription orders in mid-March through April, mails late May/early June
- issue #5 (Sep/Oct) starts subscription orders in mid-May through June, mails late July/early August
- issue #6 (Nov/Dec) starts subscription orders in mid-July through August, mails late September/early October.
Actual cutoff dates for each issue vary and extend into the beginning of some months, so please email if you want to know exactly which issue a new subscription will start with at that moment. If your purchase a subscription after a cutoff date for an issue you wanted to start with, you can always purchase these issues and have them shipped to your door through our AMAZONAS Magazine Back Issue Shop!
I just subscribed to CORAL, when will I receive my first issue?
Thank you for subscribing! CORAL is published bi-monthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December. You may begin accessing the digital edition immediately with this link, simply use your email address and password created during checkout.
Please allow up to 10 weeks for your first print issue to arrive (possibly longer for international shipping).
For an approximate look at the yearly schedule:
- issue #1 (Jan/Feb) starts subscription orders received in mid-October through November, mails late December/early January
- issue #2 (Mar/Apr) starts subscription orders in mid-December through January, mails late February/early March
- issue #3 (May/Jun) starts subscription orders in mid-February through March, mails late April/early May
- issue #4 (Jul/Aug) starts subscription orders in mid-April through May, mails late June/early July
- issue #5 (Sep/Oct) starts subscription orders in mid-June through July, mails late August/early September
- issue #6 (Nov/Dec) starts subscription orders in mid-August through September, mails late October/early November.
Actual cutoff dates for each issue vary and extend into the beginning of some months, so please email if you want to know exactly which issue a new subscription will start with at that moment. If your purchase a subscription after a cutoff date for an issue you wanted to start with, you can always purchase these issues and have them shipped to your door through our CORAL Magazine Back Issue Shop!
I’m trying to place an order, but I don’t have a PayPal account. How can I process my payment with a credit card?
NOTE – There is a current, known issue between PayPal and our Subscription Management Platform (Subscription Genius) that is causing some customers to be forced into creating or utilizing a PayPal account. This is an issue outside of our control.
All subscriptions, renewals, and back issues can be purchased through our webstore at, and we have had no reports of PayPal-related issues on that platform. If you encounter problems subscribing or renewing on, make your purchase at If you require assistance, please email
Thank you for your order! PayPal is our credit card processor, and no PayPal account is needed to process your payment. Simply proceed to the payment page for your order, and you will be able to enter credit card information instead. You may be prompted to log in; look for the option to “Pay with a Credit or Debit Card” and select that. This option appears differently between our subscriber management platform and here on the website. See these examples:
Please note that your subscription order may show as a PayPal charge from Aquatic Media Press LLC on your bank statement.
We do apologize that unfortunately PayPal does not process credit card payments for select countries at this time, such as Turkey and Bangladesh.
I'm not located in the U.S. What does a magazine subscription cost in my national currency?
All magazine subscriptions are priced in USD. International and Canadian subscription rates include additional shipping costs and are higher than the domestic rates. When you choose to purchase a subscription, US-based subscription rates are shown by default. Simply scroll down on the page and select your country in the subscriber details section. All of the prices will update to reflect your rates, in USD.
We cannot predict or furnish the exchange rate that PayPal and/or your credit card will apply to convert your payment into US Dollars. However, there is some information available for PayPal members at’s-currency-exchange-rates-faq1976
How do I know how many issues I have remaining on my subscription?
You may manage your account and see remaining issues by logging in at this link. If you have the packaging from a recent mailing, your remaining issues will also show on the mailing label along with your renewal code.
I just received the digital edition email, but haven’t received my print copy yet.
Digital issues are released on a different schedule than print copies, and digital access timelines are independent of print arrivals. As a general rule, digital issues are activated about 2-3 weeks after print copies of the same issue start arriving to subscribers in the United States. Digital access starts immediately when a new subscription is activated, and access may end before the last print issue arrives (in the case of print+digital subscriptions). As a new subscriber, the first digital issue includes the current issue at the time of subscription, and you may even receive notice of the release of a second digital issue in the subscription term before your first print issue arrives.
I recently moved, how do I update my address?
How do I change the email address on my account?
Changing an email address on an account is one of the few things that a subscriber cannot manage on their own. Please email or leave us a message at 800-217-3523 so we can assist you with this update.
I'm considering a subscription; do you offer free samples?
You can experience an entire issue of CORAL Magazine for free in our CORAL Magazine digital edition sample.
You can experience an entire issue of AMAZONAS Magazine for free in our AMAZONAS Magazine digital edition sample.
These are full, free issues from cover to cover. These samples are also a great way to try out the mobile/digital edition that is part of every Aquatic Media Press magazine subscription. If you’r considering a digital-only subscription, be sure to try the sample first before you buy, as digital-only subscriptions are non-refundable.
While we do not mail free copies to prospective subscribers, you can purchase individual back issues in our online shop to be shipped directly to you – You can also find single-issue copies of our magazines at the finest independent aquatics retailers in the country, and even around the globe!
Does your magazine subscriptions auto-renew? Do I need to cancel my subscription?
AMAZONAS and CORAL Magazine subscriptions never auto-renew; they require you to initiate renewal if you want to keep receiving the publication. You will start to receive notifications via email and/or with print copies when you have 2 issues remaining. Waiting too long to renew when your subscription runs out can result in missed issues.
Are CORAL and AMAZONAS magazines published in other languages than English?
On occasion, we receive inquiries from aquarists abroad about whether AMAZONAS or CORAL Magazines are available in a language other than English. Yes, there are versions of these publications published by NTV in Germany, AMAZONAS and KORALLE, but the German editions are not carbon copies of the English edition. And if you can’t read German or English, you’re out of luck—or are you?
In reality, our modern HTML5-based Digital Edition reader allows for in-browser translation of our publications from English into any language available via Google Translate. There may be other, additional ways to accomplish this, but anyone with an active subscription and the Chrome web browser and a willingness to do a little extra work can now enjoy our publications. They may not be perfect translations of course, but it’s better than missing out!
To learn more and try before you buy, visit these articles for more:
How to read CORAL Magazine in nearly any language!
How to read AMAZONAS Magazine in nearly any language!
Are there any geographic restrictions on subscriptions and purchases?
Countries that are blocked from using PayPal for payments are generally unable to make purchases, and thus cannot obtain access to our publications or purchase back issues. If your country is not listed on the PayPal list of approved countries, you may not be able to make a purchase.
In addition, as of November 13th, 2024, the Digital Edition software provider restricts the following countries from accessing content on their platforms:
- China – CN
- Georgia – GE
- Moldova, Republic of – MD
- Russian Federation – RU
- Viet Nam – VN
These lists are subject to change without notice, as they are controlled by third parties.
FAQ: Digital Edition
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How do I access the AMAZONAS Magazine digital edition?
The digital edition can be accessed by selecting the link at the bottom of our homepage or by following this link. You may log in using your email address and password created at checkout. If you don’t remember your password or haven’t created one yet, click “Forgot Password?” to create a new one.
How do I access the CORAL Magazine digital edition?
The digital edition can be accessed by selecting the link at the bottom of our homepage or by following this link. You may log in using your email address and password created at checkout. If you don’t remember your password or haven’t created one yet, click “Forgot Password?” to create a new one.
HELP! I can't access the digital edition! (Troubleshooting)
From time to time we receive customer service inquiries from people who are having trouble accessing their digital subscription (all magazine subscribers have access to the digital edition and archives). We know that these issues can be incredibly frustrating, particularly since fixing these problems often requires you to be actively involved in the process, your own at-home tech support!
That said, every access issue we’ve encountered has been a problem specific to the subscriber, which means that ultimately while we can help, you will have to do some work on your end to get your digital access restored.
Here are the troubleshooting steps you can take prior to contacting us!
1. Make sure you can access the free sample digital editions. (CORAL | AMAZONAS) These operate on the same platform, but require no credentials to access. If you’re unable to access the samples, that usually rules out any problems with subscription status or credentials.
2. Verify that your subscription is active. Only active subscriptions can access the digital edition platform. Visit
3. Reset your password if you believe you have a password-related issue or you are unable to log in at the above subscriber-management page. To get started, visit
4. Some people report problems with resetting their passwords. If you are convinced this is a password-related issue, be sure you’re resetting your subscriber password. Our publications have two separate access systems; one for subscription management, and one for back-issue shopping on For the digital subscription, you should be resetting your password here –> Also be sure that you are getting the emails for the password reset process and be sure you are completing the steps; check your junkmail and/or clutter folders in case they’re showing up there. Auto-generated passwords can be difficult to type; we suggest trying copy & pasting them (make sure you don’t copy any “space” characters). Once you have restored access, you can change your password to something you’re able to remember & manually type. A full, detailed step-by-step subscriber password-reset tutorial can be found at
5. Make sure you’re using the correct login location. You cannot access the current digital edition through our old mobile apps (which are no longer in service and were a completely separate platform), or old login pages that may have been bookmarked by long-time subscribers. Use the correct login pages: CORAL Magazine Digital Edition Log In – or – AMAZONAS Magazine Digital Edition Log In
6. Make sure you’re using the correct email address. We’ve had subscribers who have multiple email addresses who simply tried to log in with a different one than the one they used to subscribe with.
7. Make sure you’re not trying to log in with the caps lock on. Passwords are case-sensitive.
8. Check to make sure you have an active and reliable Internet connection. We have had users on mobile devices lose connections during a session, and thus unable to view content after logging in. If you’re on a weak or unstable wi-fi network, it will negatively impact your ability to browse the digital edition.
9. Try clearing your cache and cookies in your browser for anything related to AMAZONAS and/or CORAL and Providing instructions on how to do this is beyond the scope of our tech support, as every browser and platform combination may handle these items differently.
10. Try using a different browser on your device. For example, if you’re using Chrome, try Firefox.
11. Reboot your computer/phone/device and try again.
12. Try a different Internet connection than the one you’re normally using.
13. Try accessing your account on a different device.
14. Make sure you’re not in a country where access is blocked. As of November 13th, 2024, the following countries are unable to access digital editions: China – CN, Georgia – GE, Moldova, Republic of – MD, Russian Federation – RU, Viet Nam – VN.
If you use these troubleshooting steps and you find something that works, please tell us about it. Your success may help others find success as well.
Almost always, the answer to your access problems is likely found in the steps above.
If you are still stuck and have exhausted these troubleshooting steps, please do not hesitate to contact us. That is the point at which we will “take over” your account, resetting the password on our end to double-check the system itself. During this process, we remove your password, which will cut off your access. If we are unable to log into your account even at that point, then we know we have an issue to report to our subscriber management platform. However, if our test is successful, then we have to point you back to resetting your password again in order to restore your access.
If we’ve gone this far and you’re still having issues, we may ask for further details regarding your specific device setup, screenshots, whatever we can to bring this to the partners that deploy the digital platform. They may wish to work with you directly to attempt to restore your access.
I can access my subscription management account, but cannot access the digital edition.
We have had a small number of subscribers report that they find they are able to successfully log in to Subscription Genius to access and manage their subscriptions, but are unable to log in to the digital edition. Since both platforms are controlled by the same service and credentials, this is an unusual set of circumstances.
While we do not know what causes this, all subscribers have been able to successfully access the digital edition once they have reset their subscriber passwords.
Do you have digital back issues? Which issues are included in the digital edition?
All subscribers, whether Print + FREE Digital, or Digital-Only, have access to the AMAZONAS and/or CORAL Digital Edition through our digital reading platform. Inside our digital editions, a range of back issues is available to read underneath the “Archive” menu.
Currently, the following years’ issues are available as digital back issues:
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014 (AMAZONAS only)
Other issues may become available in the future.
Please note that digital subscriptions solely grant access to our digital edition reading platform for the duration of the subscription term, and the timeframe of the term is separate from the schedule of print issue deliveries. Digital subscriptions do not constitute the purchase of a “digital copy” that you own and can access in perpetuity. Access to the digital edition and the archives end when a subscription expires. For more information, please refer to our Terms & Conditions.
What do I need to read the AMAZONAS or CORAL Magazine Digital Edition?
Try before you buy! The AMAZONAS Magazine sample digital issue and CORAL Magazine sample digital issue are available to try on any device you may wish to use. We encourage you to try first as digital-only subscriptions are non-refundable. Note that certain functionalities are disabled in these samples (e.g. back-issue archive access).
HTML5 Viewer Supported browsers:
- iPad/Phone – iOS 5+ Safari, Chrome 23+, Firefox 19+
- Android – Chrome 23+, Firefox 19+
- Desktop – Chrome 23+, Firefox 19+, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 5+, Microsoft Edge 38+ (Windows 10)
Internet Connection: A broadband connection is required to view our digital editions. Due to the nature of our digital publishing platform, dial-up connections simply do not have enough bandwidth to achieve a satisfactory reader experience.
Offline Access: You can download PDF versions of each issue for offline reading; plan ahead of time! Up-to-date versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader are recommended for the best offline viewing experience.
Firewall/Proxies: If you are accessing our digital edition through a firewall or proxy, check with your network administrator to determine if cookies are permitted. Also, if you are using a proxy (depending on your settings) you may not always be viewing the most current version of the publication platform.
Pop-Up Blockers: If you have a pop-up blocker installed, it may also prevent some functionality on the publication platform.
Display Resolution: Our viewer requires a MINIMUM resolution of 1024×768. Higher resolutions are supported and recommended. The “contents view” option of the digital platform offers a streamlined, mobile-friendly version of most available content, suitable for smaller devices.
Can I read CORAL or AMAZONAS Magazine in another language with the Digital Edition?
YES! Anyone with an active digital subscription, the Chrome web browser, and a willingness to do a little work, can now enjoy CORAL and AMAZONAS translated by Google Translate directly in the web-based digital edition reader! Since our digital editions are HTML5-based, it is conceivable that other translation plugins and tools may also work! Thankfully, you can use our free digital sample issues to try your browser and whatever tools you’d like, before you commit!
To learn how and try before you buy, visit these articles for more:
How to read CORAL Magazine in nearly any language!
How to read AMAZONAS Magazine in nearly any language!
I never needed a password before to access my account or the digital edition, why am I being asked to use a password now?
Prior to 2019, AMAZONAS Online Customer Service only utilized a subscriber’s email address for identification, both for logging into our digital edition and for managing subscriber information including changes of address and renewals. The same is true for CORAL customer service and digital logins through late 2023. Our security update means that most subscribers’ accounts have never had a password associated with them, but going forward you’ll need one to access your account information and more importantly, to view the web-based AMAZONAS or CORAL Digital Editions. It is extremely easy to generate a password for the first time, along with retrieving a lost one or creating one that is easy for you to remember.
I used to be able to access the whole digital archive, but now there are years missing?
When the prior publishers of AMAZONAS and CORAL Magazines migrated the digital editions to the new and improved platform, they were limited with regards to the number of back issues they could initially include in the new deployment. As a result, the digital editions and back issues ranged from 2017 to present when this migration occurred.
Since Aquatic Media Press took over ownership of AMAZONAS in 2018, we have been looking for options to restore the full digital archive. On April 24th, 2020, we were pleased to announce the restoration of all issues from 2015. On May 10th, 2020, we announced the restoration of all issues from 2016. On February 10th, 2021, we announced the restoration of all issues from 2014. Back issues from 2012 and 2013 may become available in the future.
CORAL Magazine back issues in the digital archive currently go back as early as 2014.
As a reminder, all active subscribers have access to the AMAZONAS or CORAL Digitial Editions and the full range of available digital back issues.
If you’re missing any favorite issues, we do have back issues available for purchase on our website:
I can't access the digital issues I purchased with my subscription any longer!
Digital subscriptions do not grant an unlimited or lifetime license to the content on the platform. You are not “purchasing” digital copies with the digital portion of a CORAL or AMAZONAS subscription. If your subscription has expired, your access comes to an end.
The digital subscription grants access to the platform, where digital versions of our print magazine content can be accessed and read. Compare this experience to services like cable TV, Internet access, or any number of streaming services now used to watch movies and other video content. The CORAL and AMAZONAS digital platforms work in the same way; they require an active subscription to access the platform.
If your subscription has lapsed, you can log into the Subscription Genius platform to renew and instantly restore access. You can also purchase a subscription renewal on the Aquatic Media Press webstore, although purchases made on this platform are processed manually by AMP staff, so digital edition access is not restored until the order has been processed on our end.
Are there any geographic restrictions for digital edition access?
As of November 13th, 2024, the Digital Edition software provider restricts the following countries from accessing all digital editions:
- China – CN
- Georgia – GE
- Moldova, Republic of – MD
- Russian Federation – RU
- Viet Nam – VN
In addition, countries that are blocked from using PayPal for payments are generally unable to purchase any subscriptions, and thus cannot obtain access to our publications. If your country is not listed on the PayPal list of approved countries, you may not be able to purchase a subscription.
These lists are subject to change without notice, as they are controlled by third parties.
What happened to the AMAZONAS and CORAL apps on iPhone and Android?
After evaluating the various AMAZONAS digital delivery systems, we found the web-based digital edition to be a far superior platform and user experience than the existing apps. If you had been a prior app subscriber, we encourage you to try our FREE AMAZONAS digital sample issue and see if you don’t agree! Unlike the apps, you are not limited to simply browsing the magazine layout on a small screen, having to drag and zoom around the page to read. The current digital platform is 100% mobile friendly and fully illustrated—check out the “contents view” option. If you like what you see, please subscribe!
As a result of our evaluation, AMAZONAS Magazine apps were phased out in 2019, and went offline in late Q1 2020 once all subscriptions to those platforms had expired. App users who had shared their personal information with the company through iTunes or Google Play were given 1-free year of digital access during our phase-out period.
For the same reasons, CORAL Magazine apps were phased out starting at the end of 2023, and are not available for download or installation as of 2024. App users may be able to continue to utilize the apps for a period of time, although they will no longer be updated, and won’t install. While we have made every effort to contact app users and to terminate automatic renewals, app users are encouraged to review their accounts and disable any and all automatic renewals & subscriptions for AMAZONAS and CORAL Magazine apps.
Again, if you were a former app user, please try digital sample; we think you’ll agree it is a superior reading experience and hope that you’ll subscribe again! If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Didn’t find it here? Still need help?
Contact our Email HOTLINE:, or CALL and leave us a voice message, Toll-Free: 800-217-3523. Calls are normally returned between 10 AM – 6 PM Central Time, Monday-Friday.
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