January/February 2018
Volume 7, Number 1
4 Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
6 Aquatic Notebook by AMAZONAS staff
20 Behold…the Paludarium! When an aquarium and a terrarium fall in love by Sam Rutka
36 A Folio of Rare & Enticing Aquatic Plants by Maike Wilstermann-Hildebrand
48 Aquatic Plants: Rheophytes Anubias & other worthy aquatic plants of the tropical rainforests by Hans-Georg Evers
58 Husbandry & Breeding: Apistogramma macmasteri — Dwarf fish, big appeal by Jeff Michels
64 Reportage: A Tide of Tetras from the Rio Tapajós by Hans-Georg Evers
70 Typhlonectes natans — The “rubber eel” by Torsten Laicher
76 Reportage: Kuhli Gold! Malaysian loach discovery by Jens Kühne
82 Aquatic Plants: A comedy of confusion — Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia vs. Cryptocoryne moehlmannii by Maike Wilstermann-Hildebrand
86 Fishroom: Interview with Stephan Karlick — Always something new—questions for a plant wizard by Hans-Georg Evers
88 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks and Ray Lucas
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye by Morrell Devlin