Aquatic Media Press - Publishers of CORAL and AMAZONAS Magazines

AMAZONAS Mar/Apr 2012: Dwarf Shrimps


Mar/Apr 2012

  • Breeding Shell-Dwelling Cichlids
  • Riparium Tanks
  • 6 Ideal Corydoras

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March/April 2012

Volume 1, Number 2

4    Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
6    Aquatic Notebook

20    Indonesia: Shrimp Breeders for the World by Hans-Georg Evers
28    Maintenance and Breeding of Dwarf Shrimps by Kurt Mack
38    Black and Red: Selective Breeding of Two Shrimps by Kurt Mack
45    The Blue Tiger Shrimp by Roland Blankenhaus

52    Aquatic Travel: In the Biotope of the Festive Cichlid by Mario Herz and Roland Rietsch
62    Planted Aquariums: A 50-Gallon Riparium
by Devin Biggs

72    Husbandry & Breeding:   A new Rhinogobius species by Frank Strozyk and Thomas Ackermann
78    Husbandry & Breeding:  Opals with fins (Neolamprologus signatus)
by Ole Arnold Schneider
82    Fishkeeping Basics: Starting With Corydoras by Ian Fuller
90    Aquatic Plants: by Mary Bailey
96    Husbandry & Breeding: The Splash Tetra (Copella arnoldi
by Cornelia Hinz & Claus Fischer

100    Aquarium Calendar: Upcoming events by Mary Sweeney
102    Retail Sources
104    New Species Snapshots
108    Society Connections
112    Parting Shot by Keith Burke

AMAZONAS is at Catfish Study Group Annual Convention, Mar 12-19, and the Global Pet Expo, Mar 25-30, 2025. No shipping during these times, but your orders ship ASAP after our return. Dismiss