Aquatic Media Press - Publishers of CORAL and AMAZONAS Magazines

AMAZONAS Nov/Dec 2012: Discus Special


November/December 2012

  • Nano Planted Tanks
  • Scarlet Badis
  • Rainbow Pipefish

In stock

November/December 2012

Volume 1, Number 6

2     Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
4     Aquatic Notebook

22     Asian Discus Color Forms:  A revolution in discus breeding by Horst Köhler
36     Discus Made In Germany:  An interview with Heinz Stendker of Diskuszucht Stendker by Thomas Weidner
42     Discus Defeat by Ole Klawonn
48     Discus: Myth & Reality by Mary E. Sweeney
54     Winning Discus: An expert’s basic guide to raising,  keeping, and grooming show-quality Symphysodon by Dick Au

62     Aquatic Plants:  Nano! Think small (but lush): Little footprints…big impressions by Karen Randall
70     Husbandry & Breeding: Dario dario: The Scarlet Badis by Frank Strozyk and Andreas Sander
76     Fish Room: Patrick Yap: Hunting for the new and rare by Hans-Georg Evers and Kamphol Udomrhitthiruj

84     Aquarium Calendar: Upcoming events by Mary E. Sweeney
85     Amazonas Destinations: World-class aquarium shops and places to visit
86     Retail Sources
88     Species Snapshots
92     Society Connections
96     Underwater Eye

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.25 × 0.25 in