5 Letter From The Editor by Courtney Tobler
8 Aquatic Notebook
• A new snakehead species: Channa aristonei by Dominik Niemeier
• Co-mimicking Corydoras by Michi Tobler
12 A New Dwarf Corydoras, CW133 by Hans-Georg Evers
18 New Corydoras Discoveries In The Río Tapajós Basin by Ingo Seidel
26 Corydoras of the Serra do Cachimbo by Oliver Lucanus
32 Husbandry and Breeding — A rare Central American jewel: Tomocichla tuba by Jim Cumming
36 Husbandry and Breeding — Lamontichthys llanero offspring: Patience is required! by Norbert Knaak
40 Reportage — African darter characins from southern Sierra Leone by Anton Lamboj and Ahmid Mansaray
46 Reportage — Crayfishes from the southeastern United States by Friedrich Bitter
54 Reportage — A snail that earns its keep—Neritina gagates Lamarck 1810 by Paul V. Loiselle
58 Reportage — Benin there, done that! by Lawrence Kent
68 All Things Aquascaping — Medaka in the sky: creation of a rooftop ricefish oasis by Steve Waldron
78 Notes from the Field — Dwarf butterflies in black and white: Hyphessobrycon negodagua by Hans-Georg Evers
86 Keeping the Cast — Ange from Weird Waters® by Matt Pedersen
90 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks
92 Retail Sources
94 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye