7 Editor’s Page by Marc Levenson
10 Reef Notebook
• Coral reefs in the Red Sea under pressure by Dr. Kirstin Werner
• Iowa school students successfully raise captive-bred Lemonpeel Angelfish by Kirk Embree and Cate Miller
• De Jong Aquaculture reveals first-ever captive-breeding of Blue-Spotted Jawfish by Tom Verhoeven
• World’s largest coral colony contender? by Marc Levenson
20 Reef Visions by Matt Pedersen
32 The Order Corallimorpharia—an overview by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
38 The Resurgence of Corallimorphs by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
48 Successfully farming Ricordea florida by Sandra Preis
52 Bouce Mushroom Corals by Victor Olivares Moran
56 The Family Corallimorphidae—Cool and colorful by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
64 Banda Sea: Pulau Buton by Werner Fiedler
74 Aquarium Portrait: 140 gallons and 1,000 PAR: The aquarium of Josè Luis Morejon Vitali by Danilo Ronchi
85 Species Spotlight: Caulastraea and Astraeosmilia Trumpet Coral (or Candy Cane) by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
92 Advanced Aquatics: Striking success—the first breeding of the Harlequin Bass, Serranus tigrinus by Matt Pedersen with Dr. Cortney Ohs
104 Events Calendar
106 LFS Locator: Outstanding aquarium shops
108 Coralexicon: This issue’s scientific & technical terms
110 Reef Marketplace: The marine products showcase
112 Advertiser Index
114 Reef Life by Alex Rose